Yoon Lee


PhD Marine Biology

UCSD Scripps Institution of Oceanography. 2025

BS Conservation Biology: Plant Genomics

University of California, Berkeley. 2017

Hi! My name is Yoon Lee., I am currently a fourth year Ph.D student focusing on developing Lytechinus pictus as a model for developmental biology and its use in high throughput toxicological screens. This involves the analysis of single cell RNA-sequencing data and developing high content imaging assays for automated developmental/toxicological screens. We have developed a high throughput workflow using in-situ HCR (hybridization chain reaction) to image the expression of entire GRNs at a time as the phenotypic output for treatments by toxicological panels.

In my free time, I like to spend time with my fiancé and try new and exotic brews of beer.

email: byl006@ucsd.edu


Evan Tjeerdema


Svenja Kling